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Senators Lobby for Temporary Protected Status for Bahamian Immigrants

Bahamian Immigrants

Immigration Help for Bahamian Immigrants

In the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian and the devastation it caused in the northernmost islands of the Bahamas, U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott have requested that the Trump administration waive visa requirements for Bahamian immigrants who are seeking temporary shelter with friends or relatives in the United States. Both senators are from the state of Florida and have historically been active in immigration issues both in Florida and on the national scene. By offering temporary protected status (TPS) to Bahamian immigrants, both Scott and Rubio believe it may be possible to avert a serious humanitarian crisis.

Some May Enter on Tourism Visas

In general, Bahamian citizens can enter the United States without a visa to engage in business activities or tourism if they can produce a valid passport or Bahamian Travel Document and can produce a police certificate that states that the holder has no criminal record. Unfortunately, the damage to the Abaco Islands and to Grand Bahama Island have made it difficult for many in these areas to access these documents. Disruptions to non-essential police activities have made it difficult for residents of the affected areas to obtain certification that they have no criminal record that would preclude them from visiting the U.S. for a short stay.

Navigating the TPS Process

For many immigrants who have been displaced by damage in the Bahamas, working with a West Palm Beach immigration lawyer is a solid step in the right direction for themselves and their families. Bahamian immigrants who want to stay with their families in Florida and other areas of the United States until safe conditions are restored can benefit from the legal representation available from an experienced West Palm Beach immigration lawyer and the peace of mind that this representation can provide.

If you or any family member needs the help of a qualified West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, Pozo Goldstein can help with customized representation and services designed to produce the best outcomes for you. Our team consists of proven legal professionals with years of experience on all sides of the immigration issue. This allows us to provide you with the right representation for your needs. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to request a initial consultation in our West Palm Beach office. At Pozo Goldstein, we are here to protect your American dream.