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E-Verify Is the Wrong Choice for the State of Florida

E-Verify Program

Florida Considers E-Verify Program

An initiative currently being considered by the Florida State Legislature could require employers to participate in a federal E-Verify program. This move has already attracted criticism and opposition from Florida businesses who would be negatively affected by the additional bureaucratic requirements these programs entail. Instituting a mandatory E-Verify program would cause issues for many of the most important industries in the state of Florida, including the construction, tourism and agricultural fields. For immigrants who are concerned about their status and who need help in obtaining a green card, finding the right West Palm Beach immigration lawyer is essential to achieve the greatest protection for yourself and your family in the state of Florida.

Added Costs for Businesses

Mandatory participation in an E-Verify program would increase the burden on employers in the state of Florida by shifting responsibility for enforcement of immigration regulations from federal agencies to local businesses. This would represent a significant additional expenditure on the part of companies in our area. Additionally, it would create fears among both undocumented immigrants and those in this country legally about the potential for actions by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other federal agencies. This could reduce the labor pool available for major industries in the West Palm Beach area and throughout the entire state of Florida.

Seeking the Right Legal Help

For immigrants and employers alike, retaining the services of an experienced West Palm Beach immigration lawyer is typically the best way to deal with the threat of federal regulations and initiatives that target immigrants in our area. Your attorney will work with you to help you stay on the right side of the legal process and to promote the best and most practical immigration solutions for your family and your employer in the current political environment.

If you need help from a qualified and knowledgeable West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, Pozo Goldstein can provide you with accurate and practical solutions designed to help you manage issues with visas, your immigration status or the citizenship application process. Our team consists of dedicated legal professionals and includes a former judge and two former prosecutors in the immigration field. This allows us to provide you with the right solutions for your needs. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to schedule your initial consultation with our legal team. We are here to help you to achieve your goals and to pursue your own American dream.