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Dealing With Deportation Proceedings in West Palm Beach

WPB deportation defense

Help From a WPB Deportation Defense Attorney

Deportation is a frightening prospect for undocumented immigrants in the West Palm Beach area. This is especially true given the recent changes in immigration policy and the harsh enforcement tactics used by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under the Trump administration. Finding the right approach to WPB deportation defense is essential to ensure the best outcomes for immigrants living and working in our area and seeking ways to correct their status and to remain here legally. Working with a knowledgeable and experienced attorney is usually your best bet to resolve issues with ICE and other agencies and to manage deportation proceedings against you or any member of your family.

Reasons for Deportation

ICE and other federal agencies may seek to deport you or one of your family members for a few specific reasons:

  • Misdemeanors and criminal acts are among the most common reasons that deportation proceedings may be initiated.
  • Overstaying your visa or entering the country without proper documentation may also result in deportation actions.
  • Failing to inform U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) of a change in your address within 10 days of your move is a violation of immigration laws and could result in deportation proceedings being initiated against you.
  • If you receive public assistance within five years of your date of entry into the United States, you may be deported for violating the terms of your legal entry into the country.

Presenting an Effective WPB Deportation Defense

The first step in dealing with deportation proceedings is to retain the services of a West Palm Beach immigration lawyer with experience in these legal actions. Your attorney will work with you to determine the proper course of action for your case and to take steps to halt deportation as quickly as possible. By choosing a qualified and knowledgeable West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, you can navigate the process of defending yourself against deportation proceedings and ensuring that you can stay in the United States legally.

At Pozo Goldstein, we will work with you to determine the best options for your WPB deportation defense requirements. If you need help from a qualified West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, our West Palm Beach immigration team has the experience and the proven knowledge needed to resolve your issues as quickly and effectively as possible. Give us a call today at 561-578-4977 to schedule your in-office consultation with our team. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.